The Vertical Challenge Delivers For Partners

The Vertical Challenge Delivers For Partners

Most of you know the Vertical Challenge doesn’t charge racers any money to participate in our racing or festival events. You probably also realize we can do that through the support of partners – brands who think the values of the VC audience line up with their own....
Help For A Friend Of The VC

Help For A Friend Of The VC

A friend of the Vertical Challenge, Dylan Allwine, needs our help right now. This beautiful soul recently had a diving accident which has left him with some fractured vertebrae. After a successful surgery at Mass General, Dyl is now in a rehabilitation program at...
Vertical Challenge Survey!

Vertical Challenge Survey!

We’d love for you to take our survey! When we do a survey, we try to make it fun, like the Vertical Challenge is supposed to be. The census, this is not. So make sure you read all the car choices. Would you recommend the VC to a friend OR an enemy? Wait, don’t...
No Finals Until 2021

No Finals Until 2021

The Finals Cancelled We waited as long as we could to do so, but we have had to cancel the VC Finals scheduled for Jay Peak Resort on March 28. The entire resort will be closed due to concerns over the coronavirus. Jay’s president/GM, Steve Wright, wrote a...
A Mooving Moniker

A Mooving Moniker

Those of you who have attended Vertical Challenge events over the last month, or who have followed us on Facebook, have no doubt noticed a big new addition we’ve made. Our friends at Stonyfield, in addition to sending out samples of their delicious organic yogurt...