by | March 18 2022

Racing Is Off For The Weekend But Join Us Sunday At Berkshire East For Festivities

While we regret to announce the weather has scuttled racing this weekend in the Berkshires, the VC will be going to Berkshire East on Sunday (March 20) to help throw a party! Hereโ€™s what you need to know:

โ€ข VC races are off for Saturday at Berkshire East and Sunday at Catamount. Rain has made the slopes unfit for racing and the resorts made the decision to close their facilities on Saturday, with Catamount also closed Sunday.

โ€ข The VC crew will play games and conduct sponsor sampling at Berkshire East on SUNDAY in conjunction with their Cardboard Classic cardboard sled races!

โ€ข If you planned to attend one of these events and had hoped to qualify for the finals there, reach out to us through the contact page above and we will make arrangements for you.

If you havenโ€™t been to the Cardboard Classic before, itโ€™s super fun! Start making your homemade cardboard sled and get details here.

Here are the categories in which you can compete in Berkshire Eastโ€™s Cardboard Classic:

  • Best Design (1st-3rd places get prizes)
  • Fastest Sled (1st-3rd places get prizes)
  • Best Berkshire East Theme
  • How Slow Can You Go (Slowest)
  • Best Costume Sled 

Registration/check-in begins on Sunday, March 20th at 10am in the Main Lodge.