by | March 18 2021

Announcement Regarding The 2021 VC Finals

We are excited to announce that we will be holding our Finals at Jay Peak on Saturday, April 10. The 2021 Vertical Challenge Finals is open to anyone who participated in any VC event this season, as well as those who qualified for the 2020 finals.

You may have noticed some trouble registering for the finals through our website and the NASTAR website. We have had to shut down NASTAR signups and will be manually registering folks who want to race due to the Vermont’s COVID-related restriction to the number of racers we can have at the top of the racecourse at any given time (25 per category). To allow the greatest number of racers to compete, we need to implement race times based on pods/bubbles. Pods/bubbles are folks that live together, travel together and/or work together.

Please be patient with us as we work through the pod assignments. We may need to reach out to you with questions. Also, it is very important to make sure that if you sign up, you actually attend the event as we may have to turn people away.


Snowboard Racing At The VC Finals

Please be aware that Vermont still has quarantine requirements for many out-of-state visitors. Click here to know before you go. It is not as simple as just driving up for the day, you need to plan ahead before heading to Jay Peak. Once on-site, face masks covering your mouth and nose are required in all public areas, like on the race course, inside the base lodges, and in the lift load/unload areas. You will be asked to provide some personal data, only to be used for contract tracing purposes should it become necessary. We can’t pull this event off without you, and we need your help adhering to Vermont’s requirements.

Please email should you have any questions or concerns regarding the finals.

Our entire VC Crew is really excited to share this news with you and look forward to seeing you soon!