by | May 11 2020

Vertical Challenge Survey!

We’d love for you to take our survey! When we do a survey, we try to make it fun, like the Vertical Challenge is supposed to be. The census, this is not. So make sure you read all the car choices. Would you recommend the VC to a friend OR an enemy? Wait, don’t answer that. And no fair skipping to the last question.

You’ll be helping us out, certainly, by taking it, because the (anonymous) data we get from these helps us figure out how to improve the tour. It also lets us know what kinds of partners you might like to see associated with the VC and how our current partners can better serve you (they pay the bills for our free program).

Speaking of which, our partner ALOHA, maker of seriously delicious Organic Plant Based Protein Bars, Shakes and Powder, has prizes available for survey respondents. We’ll draw from all those who want to enter after taking the survey. You could win:

A sampler pack of bars (12 bars, 2 each of 6 flavors) and a case of each flavor of shakes (36 bottles).

In addition, for an “Everybody Wins,” they are offering 25% off any order that VC patrons make through June 30th via their website at Just use the promo code “ALOHAVC” to get your organic yumminess.

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