by | July 21 2020

Help For A Friend Of The VC

A friend of the Vertical Challenge, Dylan Allwine, needs our help right now. This beautiful soul recently had a diving accident which has left him with some fractured vertebrae. After a successful surgery at Mass General, Dyl is now in a rehabilitation program at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. His recovery is showing promise. He has begun responding to the therapy and has had some sensation and movement return in his legs and hands. But the road ahead will be a long one. His recovery also comes with growing medical expenses, and he sure could use our help.

Copilot Band

A GoFundMe page has been set up to help Dylan at You read more details there.

Those who do not know Dylan personally have very likely enjoyed his music through his band Copilot. He’s the drummer. They have been a large part of Tansapalooza, which many of you have attended, as well as some Vertical Challenge events (Cynthia’s Challenge and Vertical Challenge Finals). If you have spent any time with the Tansey family in recent memory, there has likely been a moment you have heard or seen the work of Dylan and company, and he has donated his time to causes we’re all passionate about.

Anything the VC family could do to help this radical man out would be wonderful.

Let’s smash that $15,000 goal and keep it going. DYLAN STRONG!